AIN – Asociación de la Industria Navarra Cordovilla, Spain
Technical expertise in energy and environmental problems of the manufacturing industry and trainings.
Phone: +34 948421101
Email : ee-metal@ain.es
AECIM – Asociación de Empresarios del Comercio de Industria del Metal de Madrid Madrid, Spain Business consultancy, technology transfer and innovation management, industrial environment quality, social and legal relations.
Phone: +34 915610330
Email: fiscal2@aecim.org
CSMT – Centro Servizi Multisettoriale e Tecnologico Brescia, Italy
Consulting, technology transfer, innovation management, project funding, lean manufacturing.
Phone: 030/ 6595162
Email: p.funding@csmt.it
AIB – Associazione Industriale Bresciana Brescia, Italy
Consulting, business service.
Phone:+39 030 2292403
Email: ee-metal@aib.bs.it
METALLURGIE rhodanienne Lyon, France
Assisting companies on labour law, human resources, business law, security, quality, environment, industrial development and training.
Phone : 04 78 77 06 30
Email : n.leca@metallurgie.org
METALIKA – MP Polskie Klastry Sp. z o.o. Szczecin, Poland
Coordination of the METALIKA Metal Cluster.
Marzena Frankowska
Phone: +48 606 280 653
Email: Biuro@polskieklastry.org
Marek Dymsza
Phone: +48 603 798 785
Email: Biuro@polskieklastry.org
AUiPE – Agencja Użytkowania i Poszanowania Energii Sp. z o.o. Łódź, Poland
Energy Audit.
Phone: +48 42 640 60 14
Email: ee-metal@auipe.pl